
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025
8 p.m.
Cost: $30
1300 SE Stark St #203
Portland, OR 97214

The following description was submitted by the event organizer.

It's a little-known bit of punk lore that when Bruce Springsteen wrote, "Everything that dies someday comes back," he was supposedly referring to the New England band Orchid. Maybe that’s a myth, or maybe Orchid’s themes — black jeans, roller rinks, mixtape nostalgia, and a finely-tuned local pain — are more universal than niche adoration implies. Orchid’s story was always one of chaotic ambition, blending staunch integrity with a proto-electroclash energy.

After Orchid disbanded, the members stayed connected, though they continually turned down reunion offers. The shift came when Green spoke with Damien Abraham from Fucked Up, who simply asked, “Do you like the guys? Do you like the songs?” This straightforward advice finally led the band to say yes. Brad later remarked, “When we’re on our deathbeds, we’re not going to be glad we didn’t reunite Orchid!”

Two decades later, the band’s reunion is a testament to their bond and enduring message. Their blend of revolutionary love, caustic rhythms, and sloganeering is a welcome voice in today’s scene. Orchid—anti-fash futurists and anti-trad traditionalists—have returned, ready to revel in the punk confusion they’ve always embraced.