All Our Relations: Snake River Journey in Portland
The following description was submitted by the event organizer.
This fall, Se’Si’Le and Indigenous leaders invite you to stand with Tribal communities across the Northwest to support the Indigenous-led movement to restore salmon to abundance by removing the four lower Snake River dams. Native peoples in the Northwest have depended on their relationship with salmon since time immemorial. This two-week, indigenous-led campaign has been organized to offer you the opportunity at this critical time to stand up and make your voice heard for the salmon and the First Nations Salmon People, the Southern Resident Killer Whales, the Salish Sea, and all our relations into the Seventh Generation.
The journey will travel through Washington, Oregon, and Idaho to inspire, build community, and press the Biden Administration and the region's members of Congress to protect salmon from extinction. Events will feature an 8-foot-in-diameter steel sculpture representing a vision of 'All Our Relations.' The hand-crafted sculpture was created for the journey by Lummi Nation members A. Cyaltsa Finkbonner and Master Carver Jewell James.