
Editor's Pick
This is a recurring event and we're showing the details from its most recent past occurrence. We'll update this page with future event info as soon as we get it. Please check back!
Oct. 3–5, 2024
Cost: Cost Varies
111 SW 5th Ave #1250
Portland, OR 97204

The following description was submitted by the event organizer.

The annual FashioNXT week premiers the latest in fashion in a runway production that TIME Magazine ranks #1 in the US outside NY Fashion Week and it is recognized as the official fashion week of Portland. See the biggest red carpet in the PNW premiere of next season’s collections by extraordinary designers from around the US and the latest fashion exhibits.  As in every October,  this year FashioNXT Week is premiering the next season’s collections of extraordinary designers on the runway in an innovative fashion experience. Extraordinary fashion designers from all over the world are joining the best of Portland in a world-class experience ideal for engaging the patrons and the media. 

FashioNXT utilizes the immersive fashion experience to elevate the fashion creatives and helps rejuvenate the industry and the city by shining a bright light on the city’s thriving creative offerings. Designers from all over the US — a Project Runway superstar from New York City, a top couturier from Seattle, and an emerging star from Denver are joining the best fashion talents from Portland elevating the city’s image as the center for creative excellence.

Attend the fashion shows and after-parties, be in the know with like-minded connoisseurs and top leaders in the business and public sectors and support our Emerging Designers development program UpNXT.