Peacock Lane

Editor's Pick
This is a recurring event and we're showing the details from its most recent past occurrence. We'll update this page with future event info as soon as we get it. Please check back!
Dec. 15–31, 2024
Daily, 6 p.m.–11 p.m.
SE Peacock Ln
Portland, OR 97214

The following description was submitted by the event organizer.

Since 1932, each house on this little street in Southeast Portland has been decorating for Christmas. The homes, mostly Tudors, are adorned with creative light displays that include nativity scenes, rotating Christmas trees, and stunningly life-like replicas of Santa, Frosty, The Grinch, and a wide variety of colorful characters to bring festive joy to the holiday season for Portlanders.

Each resident is responsible for their own light display. Some want to go over the top, and some prefer a more subtle approach. Peacock Lane residents are NOT contractually obligated to decorate their houses. This fun is run purely on voluntarism and holiday spirit.

December 15 and 16 are Car-free nights.