Travel Portland

Leadership Team

Executive Team

Megan ConwayPresident and CEO
James JessieChief Sales Officer
Greg NewlandChief Marketing Officer
Yang YangChief Financial Officer

Board of Directors

Executive Committee Officers

Katen PatelChairK10 Hotels, LLC
Kurt HuffmanChair ElectChefStable
Brian LangVice ChairHyatt Regency Portland at the Oregon Convention Center
Rick HawkinsTreasurerGeffen Mesher
Martin McAllisterPast ChairPortland Marriott Downtown Waterfront

Board Members

Dragan AndrejicThe Nines hotel
Dani BossHoliday Inn Portland – Columbia Riverfront
Tiquette BramlettChosen Family Wines
Julia Brim-Edwards
Multnomah County
Jeff BrownHotel Eastlund
Marie BrowneThe Ritz-Carlton Portland
Becky BurnettHost2Host/Hive Hospitality
Michelle CairoOlympia Provisions
Mike DaleyPM Hotel Group
Heather DavisPortland Timbers
Bertony FaustinAbbey Creek Vineyard
Naim HasanNaim Hasan Photography
Michael LiuFubonn Shopping Center
Ziggy Lopuszynski Crown Plaza Portland – Downtown Convention Center
Martin MartinezOrox Leather Co.
Heather McCareyExplore Washington Park
Mike McLeodHilton Portland Downtown & The Duniway
Ash PatelCanterbury Group, Inc.
Councilor Ashton SimpsonMetro
Todd StanburyEnterprise Mobility
Ryan TigneriTrip Vacations Northwest
David WestonDoubletree by Hilton Hotel Portland
Linda WestonRapporto
Mayor Keith WilsonCity of Portland

Professional Advisers

Jason Brandt Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association
Jim EtzelSport Oregon
Craig StroudMetro Visitor Venues
Andrew Hoan Portland Metro Chamber
Cindy Wallace Oregon Convention Center